Background information on Bauer

What is Bauer?
A Magazine publisher.

How did it begin and how has the company grown?

It was founded in Hamburg 1875 by a man called Johann Bauer. It has grown from it beginnings as a faimily business in a printing house into a worldwide publishing empire.

How popular is Bauer?

Bauer produces 282 magazines in 15 countries with 6600 employes worldwide. Bauer has an annual turnover of 1.79 billon euros.

What sort of magazines does Bauer produce?

Womens Magazines. An example of some of their magazines innclide, Womens weekly, womens interest, teen, tv listings and puzzle magazines.

Who is Bauer's target audience?

Middle aged women.

Why do people read these magazines?

To find out their weekly gossip and find out about the things there interested in.

What are articles likely to be about?

Advise on beauty, food, fashion and all things women are interested in.

Does Bauer provide a suscription service? and who is likely to advantage from this service?

Yes and women who read the magazine weekly will benefit as they want a better deal on the price they pay for the magazine.

What types of magazines does it offer for suscription?

Womens interest, tv listings, puzzles.

What is the house style for Bauer magazines?

They all have a main image on the cover, often of women and give yoy headlines previewing the main articles.
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